Monday, 2 January 2012

The learning never stops with FCPro

  The other day i pulled up one of my docs to continue working on it after a rather long absence - Much to my surprise things were not good -
    On my Fantom ext. drive half the movie was showing red blocks instead of the image and telling me that i was missing media - 'Media Offline' was the red reminder of shots/clips that were no longer viewable. A year ago when i was just learning FCPro this would have caused great consternation in my editing life as it would have sent any director/editor into a bit of a frenzy since working so hard to get it this far and then having more problems is no fun BUT that was then and this is now.
  Now after sort of learning enough NOT to go beserk, i started to attempt to figure out what went wrong but it was with the help of a professional editor that things cleared up instantly. Here's how one can 'locate media' that's on another drive but no longer on ur new drive. First connect the 'other external drive to a usb imput on ur iMAC - Go to the tiny 'camera' ikon on the time line's upper right hand side and set ur mouse pointed on it - a pull down menu will indicate that it's the 'find master shot' ikon when u click on that u'll notice in ur bin/browser a highlighted shot/clip - right click on that ikon and up will come a window menu - scroll down to 'connect media' click on that and another window appears with instructions to 'locate' the missing media from the original drive location - when it locates it on the lower right hand side u'll click on the 'choose' button then when new window comes up u click on the button saying 'connect' click on that button - now then connects ur missing media from ur original ( LaCie) drive to ur new Fantom drive and turns the red 'missing media' info on ur time line/canvas to the actual visual/sound shot/clip .... and peace returns to the director's frenzied mind
   Good luck and good editing.. it is fun when everything works smoothly , isn't it??

Producer/Director PETER EVANCHUCK

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