PETER EVANCHUCK hiding behind his cp16mm lining up the shot of SCOTTY. Picture is from decades back, when i was still shooting with either my Arri BL or my CP16mm cameras - the old CP16 is from my days shooting for the Wild World of Sports - in those days the reliable, durable CP16 was the industry standard since it also allowed a sound stripe to be recorded directly on the 16mm film - using reversal film stock meant that u process/print and go directly to air - so fast and cheap.
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Yes well i wasn't planning to make any old doc but wanted to make one that was based on someone i know and have known for a reasonably long time; someone who i've shared life with in some real manner and ROBERY PAYNE certainly would be that person. ROB and I have wandered the Queen West area of Toronto's former 'art section' of Toronto's downtown for many a year, many a beer, many a fight and flight ... now of course we're both much older and not a bit wiser ... mmmmmm perhaps that's an error but what the hell eh - anyway, as this doc. winds down and as i prep it for release/sales , here's to all the brave urban homeless who stand alone and independent furiously fixed and determined to 'do it their way' as Frank says....
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