Thursday, 23 January 2014

Director/Producer Peter Evanchuck wonders what to do what to do - how to market/sell one's docs

Before all the elder illness' i was taking my two docs around to health and educational places to give talks about poverty, homelessness, mental illness, art, poetry and photography - explaining to many who don't really know about 'the real truth' about how people who are in this state survive from day to year to decade. THE POETRY OF PAYNE and MARKO's MANIA both show a raw reality of two personal views on such matters and as many have said after viewing these docs 'They have to be scene by people.' And that's the purpose of me taking them around and giving a personal viewpoint on the problems and achievements of a homeless Poet ( Robert Payne ) and a bi-polar photographer ( Marko Polakiwsky ) both achieving remarkable 'art' while dealing with their 'condition'..... these talks and events that i've been giving are well received and i find them often informative for all concerned.

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